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发布时间:2023-07-11   来源:网络   阅读:1467



[Famous Chinese medicine teacher under the Party flag] Founder of Tuna Point point therapy—— Yang Qilin


To comprehensively promote the development of health industry, response xi general secretary "no health, there is no comprehensive well-off" and " to advocate healthy and civilized way of life, set up the concept of big health, health, the cure to people's health as the center, establish and improve the health education system, improve the health literacy."And" the call to uphold the concept of a community of human health and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind ".


Yang Qilin, the inheritor of TCM who has made outstanding contributions from the development of TCM to the cause of protecting people's health.


Founder of Tuna Point point therapy


In September 2008, Mr.Yang Qilin was appointed as the editor and consultant of "Chinese Medicine and Innovation" of "Healthy New Life" of the Ministry of Health. Over the past 50 years, he has been engaged in the research of health care and non-drug therapy, and guided non-drug therapy and rehabilitation for a large number of sub-health people, disease patients and patients with difficult diseases. He has published more than 20 academic papers in domestic and foreign journals.


I love health and medicine, like to read Chinese and foreign classics, read widely, absorb the essence. After continuous exploration, practice, clinical application, and combined with traditional Chinese and western medicine, health care characteristics, in May 1997, the "chest and abdomen joint joint" method, was approved by ten ministries and commissions of the state into the fourth volume of "Chinese sports health methods".


"spit" is the wisdom left by our ancestors, "spit" with us day and night, so it is easy to ignore it, few people realize the value and role of "spit". In fact, "spit out" is a good "medicine". As long as careful taste, seriously practice "spit" 15 days, it will be able to play a disease, no disease to strengthen the effect, so that many patients in the case of not taking drugs, miraculous recovery and improvement.


Mr.Yang Qilin's acupoint treatment is especially good at treating the paralysis and pain symptoms caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Such as: head. Neck, shoulder, net elbow, finger joint, waist and leg, knee, heel pain, ankle pain and all kinds of chest and abdomen pain, fall sprain, children's various diseases, a point point 85% can be effective on the spot. In February 1989, it was reported by The Documentary Literature. Mr.Yang will point points, cupping, acupuncture and release blood into one, the effect is better, is indeed a wonderful flower in the Chinese folk therapy.

2008年9月在北京参加《中美心身医学、行为医学心脑血管疾病国际论坛》,《胸腹联合呼吸法的启发和益处》于同年发表。论文中阐述的调理方法,对心血管疾病完全可以免除 “搭桥” 手术之痛苦,给生命带来新的希望。

In September 2008, he participated in the Sino-American International Forum on Psychosomatic Medicine and Behavioral Medicine for Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular Diseases in Beijing, and the inspiration and Benefits of combined Chest and abdominal Joint Respiratory Method was published in the same year. The conditioning method described in the paper can completely relieve the pain of "bypass" surgery for cardiovascular disease and bring new hope to life.


Yang Qilin has been invited to various provinces and cities in China and overseas, and has many students all over the world. Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi, Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Liaoning, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan and Yunnan all left footprints. Mr.Yang Qilin integrates "spit, point, point, bleed, cupping, nutrition". Can prevent not disease, cure already disease, and can recuperate the end disease, make up for the role on the drug, when the drug is ineffective you can try this method, will be helpful to you, and bring new turnaround and new hope.


Traditional Chinese medicine has a development history of 5,000 years, while the development history of western medicine is only 200 years old. The Chinese culture is extensive and profound. Traditional Chinese medicine is a shocking and unique medical treasure.

中医经典。 《黄帝内经》。《神农本草经》。《伤寒杂病论》《难经》等是祖先留给我们的珍贵财富,完全超越了现代科学的限度,也完全超越我们认识的范畴。中医大师朱鹤亭先生凭着自己的双手就能探索出病人的疾病,再对症治疗,药到病除。而西医要凭借各种仪器才能查出疾病,检测费、药费高,一般家庭根本付担不起。脱离了仪器,西医便陷入困境。而在中国民间却有许多高手,如:山东的刘庆林大夫治疗糖尿病,无论烧伤,烫伤,糖尿病引起的溃烂多么严重,(西医要截肢)而只要敷上他的保健品水,一定能痊愈。而我创编的《胸腹联合吐纳功》和《点穴》疗法。对许多疾病有意想不到的效果,在实际应用当中,延缓了患者的生命,甚至康复或起死回生。

Traditional Chinese medicine classic.《 Huang Di Nei Jing 》.《 Sheng Nong's herbal classic 》. Theory on Typhoid and Miscellaneous Diseases and Difficult Classics are the precious wealth left to us by our ancestors, completely beyond the limits of modern science and beyond the scope of our understanding. Mr.Zhu Heting, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, can explore the patient's disease with his own hands, and then cure the disease symptomatic treatment. And western medicine to rely on a variety of instruments to find out the disease, testing costs, drug cost is high, the general family simply can not afford to pay. Without the instrument, western medicine is in trouble. However, there are many masters in Chinese folk, such as: Dr. Liu Qinglin in Shandong treated diabetes, no matter how serious burns, scald, diabetes caused by ulceration, (western medicine to amputation) and as long as his health care products water, will be cured. And I created "chest and abdomen joint work" and "point" therapy. For many diseases have an unexpected effect, in the practical application, delayed the life of patients, and even recovery or death back to life.


In 2014, he was appointed as the editorial board member, interviewed and writing dozens of articles of "Spring City Expo and Digest Magazine" of Yunnan Province.


In 2015, he served as an expert committee member of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association.


In January 2016, he was awarded the award of "Top Ten Influential News People" and "honorary Vice Chairman of the Presidium", and was awarded a medal.


In January 2016, he was awarded the honorary title of "2015 Industry Construction Influential Top Ten People of the Year", and was awarded with MEDALS and trophies.


In May 2016, he was awarded the "2015 Best Contribution Person" and issued the certificate and plaque by the Cultural Exchange Center of the Central Government for Veteran Cadres.


In May 2016, he was awarded "Expert Consultant" by the Expert Committee of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the People's Republic of China (Consulting and Development Department of The Chinese Folk Research Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine).


In May 2016, he was selected into the new edition of The World People Press, and was awarded the "World Celebrity" Medal.


In August 2016, he founded Beijing Yang Tuna International Medical Research Institute in Beijing as the president.


In October 2016, he was awarded the advanced title of "2016 Patriotic Public Welfare Figure", and was awarded the "Vice Chairman of the Special Presidium" and a medal.


In October 2016, he was invited to participate in the "China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine" (Healthy China 2030 Innovation and Development Forum and Innovation Forum of Academic Schools of Traditional Chinese Medicine) and won the certificate.


In March 2017, he was included in "Model of Action", edited by the Book and periodicals Editorial Committee of Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association, and served as honorary chief editor (published on page 219).


In July 2017, it was included in the editorial board of "China Film Press" (personal deeds published on 104 pages).


In July 2017, the "National Famous Doctor Teaching Certificate" was awarded by (a plaque issued by the national medical network).


In July 2017, it was listed in "Leading People" (awarded by China Traditional Chinese Medicine Project Network).


The application for the trademark approval to the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce has been approved. The trade mark number is "23741778".


On November 10,2017, he was elected as the director of "International Natural therapy Innovation Alliance". The term of office was 5 years and he won the certificate.


In January 2018, he was included in the annual calendar cover of Chinese Scholars and was published by (Science and Technology Future Research Branch of China Society for Future Research).


In January 2018, it was included in the Health Consultant Calendar (published on the Chinese medical website and published in September).


In January 2018, he was listed in "Leading People into the Silk Road" (edited by Science and Technology Future Research Branch of China Future Research Society, published by March Film Gallery Audio and Video Press), and served as the specially invited editorial board member. His personal article was published on 224 pages.


In January 2018, it was published in the Era of Common Innovation (published by China News United Press), and his personal deeds were published on page 221.


In February 2018, it was included in the compilation of 13th Five-Year Support Projects (compilation of Science and Technology Future Research Branch of China Society for Future Research Institute), and his personal deeds were published on page 191.


On May 28,2018, he was appointed as the Expert Committee of The Military and Local Medical Talent Education Center of China Medical Education Association, the fourth expert committee member, with a term of 5 years. And issued the expert certificate and "Yang's spitting method and point therapy training inheritance base" plaque.


On June 9,2018, he was appointed as a member of the Expert Committee of The Theoretical Research Branch of The Chinese Private Chinese Medicine Research and Development Association for 3 years, and issued a certificate.

In November 2019, he was appointed as an expert of the Chinese National Medical Expert Committee, and issued certificates and plaques.


In 2020, he was selected as the cover of The Chinese Scholars' Calendar by the Science and Technology Future Research Branch of China Future Research Society.


In January 2020, it was jointly recommended as the "National Promotion Project" by more than 10 dozen experts.


On September 10,2020, it was selected as a Chinese Contemporary Famous Doctor. In October 2020, he was selected as the inheritor of the New Era Red Culture and won the cup and medal.


Mr.Yang Qilin has been included in the book "Scientific Chinese", "21st Century Talent Pool", "Special Collection of Outstanding Chinese Style", "World Expert Talent Code", "World Famous Record" and other large dictionaries. Dozens of publications and magazines, including Macau Daily, China Sports Daily, Shanxi Daily, Hunan Daily, Chinese Folk therapy, Oriental Medicine, Documentary Literature, Martial Arts, Overseas Chinese, Scientific Chinese, have reported my deeds for many times.


Dream never stop, determined to create brilliant again! Deciering the health code, spit and point is a good "medicine", it can completely regulate many diseases, not only prevent the disease, cure the disease, but also regulate the disease. Reduce the cost of family medical expenses and reduce the burden of national medical expenses. Carry forward the Chinese medicine, shape the legend of tuna! Create the national spit, the national health! Realize the Chinese dream! Let the precious heritage of the Chinese nation, spit and point highlights again!



Zhu Jun, male, 38 years old, is from Qujing (now Kunming). Diabetes for many years, blood sugar is high 32.4, insulin every day, coma rescue 3 times, walking listless, lying in bed all day, the whole family is reluctant to go outside, very worried.


 In February 2019, gastric bleeding. On March 7,2019, after 7 days of practice and conditioning, there was no blood vomiting, blood sugar was very stable, and I was full of energy and energy every day. In April 2019, it started Didi Taxi. The whole family was very grateful to me for seeing his happy appearance. His family also treated me like a family member. Zhu Jun thanked me for giving me a windbreaker and a suit.


(Photo of Zhu Jun during his illness) 


(Photo of Zhu Jun after healing)


Chen Jinjun, male, 35 years old, Kunming Ludong communication store, suffering from foot skin disease for 17 years, has been to dozens of hospitals in China for treatment, has also bought countless others introduced good drugs, medicines and folk remedies, all of no avail, spending nearly 100,000 yuan. Love for her husband's skin disease on the national road to seek medical treatment, and struggled. Itch skin, seriously affect its sleep, but also affect the feelings of husband and wife, sleep at night can only sleep alone on the sofa. All daily necessities are isolated, especially at night to soak the feet, for the feet coated with medicine, wipe medicine, with gauze wrapped feet unbearable pain. After the family brought me to me to seek medical treatment, after 7 days of vomiting and acupuncture, stubborn skin disease significantly improved, his family admired me said: "not a medicine, 17 years of skin disease can have such a good effect, said to others, no one believes."


 (Photo of Chen Jinjun when he fell ill)


(Photo of Chen Jinjun after healing)


Andy Chen, male, 6 years old, Kunming city. Suffering from ADHD, dance disease, had been to the provincial hospital of Traditional Chinese medicine, the city children's hospital, the doctor said: "this disease treatment at least half a year to a year to restore the original, some will cause life danger."The patient's symptoms are sometimes the eyes will involuntarily blink hard, frowning, body twist, upper limbs can not help stretching. The child's illness became a heart disease for his parents. In April 2019, the child had a toothache for two days and could not eat. Once the tooth stopped. The child returned home and said to his mother, "Teacher Yang's method is really useful."Then the child followed the practice and with the point treatment, the child's ADHD, blink symptoms rarely appear, the upper limbs can not help stretching almost no happened, his family in order to express sincere gratitude, we gave me a banner.


(Photo of Andy Chen while falling ill)


(Photo of Andy Chen after healing)


Chen Andy video as proof: video 1, video 2


Zhu Lin, female, 35 years old, lives in Kunming city, mobile phone shop and health shop owner. Due to my busy work, I had no time to take care of my own body, so I suffered from gynecological diseases, poor sleep quality, hypotension (60 / 40mmHg), dizziness, chest shortness of breath, etc. Under the introduction of a dean friend came to the treatment. Through three days of "spitting" practice, the body has a very obvious effect, after seven days of practice "spitting", frequent urination, urgency, nocturia all disappeared, sleep quality is significantly improved, blood pressure is adjusted to normal, dizziness, chest tightness and shortness of breath also recovered.


(Zhu Lin after cured photo)

魏仁杰。男,湖南礼陵市永胜瓷厂党委书记。1988年患心梗,昏迷不醒,医院下了病危通知书,其亲属对医生说:我能否请外面民间医生为其看一下,这位医生说: “什么,请民间的?请跳大神的来都可以”。经我一次点穴,他当即坐起,自行拔掉氧气管、输液管走下床。并在大会上为我赠送了锦旗和一个镀了45克金的奖杯。

Wei Renjie. Male, Party secretary of Yongsheng Porcelain Factory, Liling City, Hunan Province. In 1988, suffering from heart attack, coma, the hospital under the critical notice, his relatives said to the doctor: can I ask the outside folk doctor to see it, the doctor said: " What, please folk? Please jump to the big god can come ". After me a point, he immediately sat up, pulled out the oxygen tube, infusion tube went out of bed. And in the conference, I presented a pennant and a 45 grams of gold plated trophy.

刘凤兰,女,内蒙海拉尔市电视台办公室主任,患直肠癌,曾在北京手术,化疗回内蒙后每顿只能吃喝三勺米汤水。手拿小勺的力气都没有, 奄奄一息.1991年7月进吐纳学习班,只学练了八天,一切像正常人一样,第九天竟提出要拜师学艺。在海拉尔市引起轰动。 (商界王均瑶也不是患了直肠癌吗?如果学了我的吐纳不一定会英年早逝。)

Liu Fenglan, female, director of the TV office of Hailar City, Inner Mongolia, suffered from rectal cancer and had surgery in Beijing. After returning to Inner Mongolia, she can only eat and drink three spoons of rice soup for each meal. No strength of the small spoon in his hand, dying. In July 1991, I entered the study class and only practiced for eight days. Everything was like normal people. On the ninth day, I proposed to learn from teachers. It has caused a sensation in the city of Hailar.(Business world Wang Junyao is not suffering from rectal cancer? If you learned my spit is not necessarily will die young.)


Gao Min, female, Inner Mongolia hailar city people (call au deputy chief and tube, teaching, who) in 1992 after I speak in class, don't believe, he said: "I graduated from medical university, tube, teaching, who, you talk to have scientific basis...", not how long, high deputy au said to me: she suffers from low blood sugar, every morning have dizziness, want to vomiting symptoms, tomorrow he wants to visit abroad, today want me to give her point, so I point for him, two days he went abroad, a few days later she called to tell me. Miss Yang from you for my point once, I did not appear a dizziness and vomiting symptoms abroad, it is really effective.

格日格图,男,蒙古族,内蒙呼盟东旗档案局离休局长, 患尿频、尿急16年,每夜撒尿7至16次, 有时白天有尿经常解在裤子里,吃药、打针都无效,1991年9月经练吐纳八天,一天见效,八天正常。(凡是男性尿频尿急普遍都会有效, 越重见效越快)。

Gege Tu, male, Mongolian, retired director of Inner Mongolia Humeng Dongqi Archives Bureau, suffering from frequent urination for 16 years, peed 7 to 16 times every night, sometimes during the day, medicine, injection are ineffective, in September 1991 menstrual practice vomiting for eight days, a day effective, eight days of normal.(All male urinary frequency and urgency will be effective, the more the weight, the faster the effect).


Wu Chengwang, male, Taiyuan water company worker, on July 17,1990 lumbar disease for four years, in Taiyuan a hospital for a long time, every day only a wheelchair, hanging crutches, Taiyuan competent medical department, a leader invited me to a subordinate hospital support, I went with the leadership, hospital a leader will cross hands in the chest said to me: " you don't have an injection, don't take medicine, can cure, and our hospital and the doctor?"It happened that Wu Chengwang came over in a wheelchair, he pointed to the patient and said to me:" you cure his disease, I believe you, " the result I use point therapy, after four days of conditioning Wu Chengwang can lose the wheelchair to ride a bicycle.

李树王,男,63岁,云南省玉溪市澄江县海镜乡人,2018年在云南省某肿瘤医院确诊为前列腺癌并转移为肺癌晚期。2018年6月10日在家人搀扶陪同下来到我处,其主诉, “晚上不能上床睡觉,尾椎骨疼痛难忍,肛门内撕裂痛,只能斜靠凳子上,经十天的练吐纳和点穴调理,他告诉我说: “疼痛几乎消失,也不咳喘啦,经过20天的调理后,他感觉一切跟常人一样”,前几天我打电话给其儿子了解情况,他告诉我,其父亲至今回家2年多一切都好。邵云珍,女,72岁,云南文山市丘北县人,2013年因车祸右手网肘骨折,(手术后并从网肘关节处取出一块碎骨)16年来右手一直不能抬起摸不到耳朵,并伴心缓、眼痒、腰痛、膝痛蹲不下,坐车上不去,上车后下不来,要抱下来,每日大便2至5次。 便秘要蹲半个小时还解不出来,全身都是病,药物从未间断。2018年10月5日来我处经练吐纳和点穴调理,右手当天可以举起,三天后就可以抬起来摸到左耳朵,20天腰就不痛了,双膝就可以下蹲,上车下车也自如了。

Li Shuwang, male, 63 years old, born in Haijing Township, Chengjiang County, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2018 and transferred to a cancer hospital in Yunnan Province with advanced lung cancer. On June 10,2018, accompanied by family help down to me, the complaint, "can't go to bed at night, tail vertebrae pain, anal tear pain, only lean on the stool, after ten days of practice spit and point conditioning, he told me:" the pain almost disappear, also don't cough asthma, after 20 days of conditioning, he felt everything like ordinary people ", a few days ago I called his son to understand the situation, he told me that his father went home more than 2 years everything is well. Shao Yunzhen, female, 72-year-old, Yunnan Wenshan city hill north county, 2013 because of car accident right hand elbow fracture, (after surgery and from the net elbow out a piece of bone) for 16 years right hand has been unable to lift touch the ear, and with heart retardation, itching, low back pain, knee pain squatting, ride not go to, get on the car not to come, to hold down, defecate 2 to 5 times a day. Constipation to squat half an hour can not be solved, the whole body is a disease, drugs never interrupted. On October 5,2018, I came to the place after practice and point conditioning, my right hand can be raised that day, three days later I can be raised to touch my left ear, 20 days before the waist pain, my knees can squat, and get on and get off the car freely.

宋良玉,男,72岁,来自四川省内江市,2018年12月26日因车祸造成肩关节断裂。右腿胖骨骨折。行走疼痛跋行,经医院住院检查,要手术再上夹板,需要8至10万,并患慢性肠炎3年,大便像水一样,住院治疗就好一些,一出院大便又是水泻,2019年2月1日即将过年,在儿子、医生陪同下找我求医,经一次点穴,手就可以举起来超过头顶,经 15天的吐纳和点穴、肩关节不痛了,可以脱衣洗澡,右脚疼痛几乎消失,行走也不跋行了。慢性结肠炎第六天大便成型,以前,天天腹痛,腹胀也消失了,宋良玉说: “我2019年春节都没过,千里迢迢从四川来到昆明找杨其林老师求医,本打算过完春节后来医治,实在是身体难以忍受,想不到我竟然遇到神医,不过春节也值”。

 Song Liangyu, male, 72 years old, from Neijiang City, Sichuan Province, suffered a shoulder joint fracture in a car accident on December 26,2018. Fat bone fracture in the right leg. Walking pain travel, the hospital hospital, to surgery to splint, need 8 to 100000, and chronic enteritis, stool like water, hospitalization is better, a discharge stool and diarrhea, on February 1,2019, accompanied by son, doctor find my doctor, after a point, hand can lift more than the head, after 15 days of spit and point, shoulder joint pain, can take a bath, right foot pain almost disappeared, walk not travel. Chronic colitis sixth day stool forming, before, abdominal pain, abdominal distension also disappeared, Song Liangyu said: "I didn't had the Spring Festival in 2019, all the way from Sichuan to Kunming find Yang Qilin teacher doctor, this plan to finish the Spring Festival treatment, is unbearable, unexpectedly I met doctor, but the Spring Festival value".

吴永胜,男,四川眉山市人,昆明工作。2015年其女儿突然患肚子痛,由父母带来求医,经我一次点穴,孩子对父母说: “我肚子不痛了” 其父母说: “哪有这么神,这么快就好了; 老师你这个方法太好了”,并提出要拜师。 (孩子的许多疾病都容易调理好)

Wu Yongsheng, male, born in Meishan city, Sichuan province, works in Kunming. In 2015, her daughter suddenly suffered from stomach pain, and her parents brought her to seek medical advice. After a point, the child said to her parents: "I have no stomach pain," the parents said: "No such a god, so fast good; teacher you this method is too good", and proposed to worship the teacher.(Many diseases in children are easy to recuperate)

段东升,女,昆明筑竹寺阳光敬老院,2015年5月,3天饭、水未进,服务员对敬老院李薇院长说:“段老可能不行了, 李院长特请云南某医院赵美珍医生为其量血压40/20mm 汞柱,赵医生放下血压计说:“马上送医院”,当时我在该院做义工,我对赵医师和李院长说:“我来试试”,点穴十多分钟后,赵医师再为其量血压120/80mm柱。说道:“你太神了”。这种现象在我们西医里是不可能做到的,看样子我都要拜你为师”。二年我又去敬老院去看望段东升,服务员告诉我,杨老师从你为他点穴调理后,他一直很好,连感冒都没有患过。

 Duan Dongsheng, female, Kunming built bamboo temple sunshine homes, in May 2015,3 days rice, water, the waiter to nursing li dean said: "the old may not line, li, please Yunnan hospital zhao doctor for its blood pressure 40 / 20mm mercury, doctor zhao put down sphygmomanometer said:" hospital ", when I volunteer in the hospital, I to doctor zhao and li said:" I try ", point after more than ten minutes, doctor zhao again for its blood pressure 120 / 80mm column. He said, "You are too god."This phenomenon is impossible to do in our western medicine, it seems that I want to worship you as a teacher."Two years I went to the nursing home to visit Duan Dongsheng, the waiter told me that Miss Yang from you for his point conditioning, he has been very good, even a cold.


 Wu Jianguo, a native of Meishan city, Sichuan Province, had hemiplegia for 6 years. His left palm could not extend and his hand could not lift his rice bowl. On April 26,2016, he made a special trip from Sichuan to Kunming to find me for conditioning (without half a piece of medicine). After three times, his fingers could open and lift his head. His wife said excitedly, "It is really amazing".


 Zhang Yangcong, male, 36 years old, born in Chengjiang County, Kunming, suffered from gout in July 2016. Their teeth were sore and it was difficult to walk.

郑天素,女,64岁。四川省内江市人,2019年1月15日因心脏病诱发心绞痛引起前胸和后背痛伴咳嗽,六天六夜不能入睡,住院无效。2019年2月1日,在家人和医生陪护下经练吐纳和点穴调理6天。心绞痛和咳喘完全消失,睡眠很好,经一个月调理后血压由164/110 mm乘柱变成114/78/mm汞柱,20多年糖尿病现完全停药。肥胖由原来的158斤减至138斤。

Zheng Tiansu, female, 64 years old. A native of Neijiang City, Sichuan Province, on January 15,2019, due to heart disease, angina pectoris caused by chest and back pain and cough. He could not sleep for six days and six nights, and the hospitalization was invalid. On February 1,2019, he was accompanied by family members and doctors and trained for 6 days. Angina pectoris and cough and asthma disappeared completely, and I slept well. After one month of conditioning, blood pressure changed from 164 / 110 mm by column to 114 / 78 / mm Hg. After more than 20 years, diabetes completely stopped. Obesity from the original 158 catties reduced to 138 catties.

后语After the language


With the five thousand years' history of development of traditional Chinese medicine culture, many good therapies spread among the people have not aroused the cognition and attention of domestic people. "spitting and point" is a wonderful flower in the folk non-drug therapy. I think many diseases do not require hospitalization at all, nor without surgery.


All the above cases are true. If there is any false, I am willing to bear the legal responsibility.

联系人: 杨其林13759139170

Contact person: Yang Qilin 13759139170